Dehumanization, Discrimination and Deskilling: The Impact of Digital Tech on Low-Wage Workers

Business Insider

A Google shareholder is pressuring the tech giant to change its worker policies in a longshot bid

A Google shareholder is pressuring the tech giant to change its worker policies in a longshot bid

Hannah Lucal, Open Mic's associate director, told Insider that it often tries to engage with companies directly on issues, but when that doesn't work out it will try to apply pressure through company shareholders. Recent internal blow-ups at Google have been red flags for how the company treats employees who raise concerns, she said.

"I think we're seeing a domino effect," Lucal said. "Over the past few years there have been so many stories coming out about how Google has retaliated against workers who speak up against ethical and human rights concerns."

Shareholders call on big advertisers Omnicom and Home Depot to investigate whether Facebook, Google, and Twitter's ads fuel violence and hate speech

Shareholders call on big advertisers Omnicom and Home Depot to investigate whether Facebook, Google, and Twitter's ads fuel violence and hate speech

Facebook, Twitter, and Google have banned President Trump and accounts supporting QAnon and the "Stop the Steal" misinformation group while pausing political ads until after President-elect Biden's inauguration — but some interest groups want Omnicom and Home Depot to pressure them to go further…Nonprofit Open Mic led the efforts on behalf of The Nathan Cummings Foundation, which owns shares in Omnicom, and Myra K. Young, who owns shares in Home Depot.

Facebook's humbling deal with the FTC is the biggest assault on Mark Zuckerberg's power in the firm's history

Facebook's humbling deal with the FTC is the biggest assault on Mark Zuckerberg's power in the firm's history

"It may not go as far as some people would like, but it certainly clips Mark's wings in a pretty significant way," said Michael Connor, who has helped coordinate Facebook shareholder action through Open MIC, which lobbies for better corporate governance.

Facebook shareholder revolt gets bloody: Powerless investors vote overwhelmingly to oust Zuckerberg as chairman

Facebook shareholder revolt gets bloody: Powerless investors vote overwhelmingly to oust Zuckerberg as chairman

According to an analysis of the results by Open Mic — an organization that works with activist shareholders to overhaul corporate governance at America's biggest companies — independent shareholders overwhelmingly backed two proposals to weaken Mark Zuckerberg's power.